Source code for s3fs.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import errno
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import socket
from typing import Tuple, Optional
import weakref
import re

from urllib3.exceptions import IncompleteRead

import fsspec  # noqa: F401
from fsspec.spec import AbstractBufferedFile
from fsspec.utils import infer_storage_options, tokenize, setup_logging as setup_logger
from fsspec.asyn import (
from fsspec.callbacks import _DEFAULT_CALLBACK

import aiobotocore
import botocore
import aiobotocore.session
from aiobotocore.config import AioConfig
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, HTTPClientError, ParamValidationError
from botocore.parsers import ResponseParserError

from s3fs.errors import translate_boto_error
from s3fs.utils import S3BucketRegionCache, ParamKwargsHelper, _get_brange, FileExpired

# ClientPayloadError can be thrown during an incomplete read. aiohttp is a dependency of
# aiobotocore, we guard the import here in case this dependency is replaced in a future version
# of aiobotocore.
    from aiohttp import ClientPayloadError
except ImportError:
    ClientPayloadError = None

logger = logging.getLogger("s3fs")

def setup_logging(level=None):

    setup_logger(logger=logger, level=(level or os.environ["S3FS_LOGGING_LEVEL"]))

if "S3FS_LOGGING_LEVEL" in os.environ:

# Certain rate-limiting responses can send invalid XML
# (see, which can result in a parser error
# deep within botocore. So we treat those as retryable as well, even though there could
# be some false positives.

if ClientPayloadError is not None:
    S3_RETRYABLE_ERRORS += (ClientPayloadError,)

_VALID_FILE_MODES = {"r", "w", "a", "rb", "wb", "ab"}


key_acls = {
buck_acls = {"private", "public-read", "public-read-write", "authenticated-read"}

async def _error_wrapper(func, *, args=(), kwargs=None, retries):
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}
    for i in range(retries):
            return await func(*args, **kwargs)
        except S3_RETRYABLE_ERRORS as e:
            err = e
            logger.debug("Retryable error: %s", e)
            await asyncio.sleep(min(1.7**i * 0.1, 15))
        except ClientError as e:
            logger.debug("Client error (maybe retryable): %s", e)
            err = e
            if "SlowDown" in str(e):
                await asyncio.sleep(min(1.7**i * 0.1, 15))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("Nonretryable error: %s", e)
            err = e

    if "'coroutine'" in str(err):
        # aiobotocore internal error - fetch original botocore error
        tb = err.__traceback__
        while tb.tb_next:
            tb = tb.tb_next
            await tb.tb_frame.f_locals["response"]
        except Exception as e:
            err = e
    err = translate_boto_error(err)
    raise err

def version_id_kw(version_id):
    """Helper to make versionId kwargs.

    Not all boto3 methods accept a None / empty versionId so dictionary expansion solves
    that problem.
    if version_id:
        return {"VersionId": version_id}
        return {}

def _coalesce_version_id(*args):
    """Helper to coalesce a list of version_ids down to one"""
    version_ids = set(args)
    if None in version_ids:
    if len(version_ids) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot coalesce version_ids where more than one are defined,"
            " {}".format(version_ids)
    elif len(version_ids) == 0:
        return None
        return version_ids.pop()

[docs]class S3FileSystem(AsyncFileSystem): """ Access S3 as if it were a file system. This exposes a filesystem-like API (ls, cp, open, etc.) on top of S3 storage. Provide credentials either explicitly (``key=``, ``secret=``) or depend on boto's credential methods. See botocore documentation for more information. If no credentials are available, use ``anon=True``. Parameters ---------- anon : bool (False) Whether to use anonymous connection (public buckets only). If False, uses the key/secret given, or boto's credential resolver (client_kwargs, environment, variables, config files, EC2 IAM server, in that order) endpoint_url : string (None) Use this endpoint_url, if specified. Needed for connecting to non-AWS S3 buckets. Takes precedence over `endpoint_url` in client_kwargs. key : string (None) If not anonymous, use this access key ID, if specified. Takes precedence over `aws_access_key_id` in client_kwargs. secret : string (None) If not anonymous, use this secret access key, if specified. Takes precedence over `aws_secret_access_key` in client_kwargs. token : string (None) If not anonymous, use this security token, if specified use_ssl : bool (True) Whether to use SSL in connections to S3; may be faster without, but insecure. If ``use_ssl`` is also set in ``client_kwargs``, the value set in ``client_kwargs`` will take priority. s3_additional_kwargs : dict of parameters that are used when calling s3 api methods. Typically used for things like "ServerSideEncryption". client_kwargs : dict of parameters for the botocore client requester_pays : bool (False) If RequesterPays buckets are supported. default_block_size: int (None) If given, the default block size value used for ``open()``, if no specific value is given at all time. The built-in default is 5MB. default_fill_cache : Bool (True) Whether to use cache filling with open by default. Refer to ````. default_cache_type : string ("readahead") If given, the default cache_type value used for ``open()``. Set to "none" if no caching is desired. See fsspec's documentation for other available cache_type values. Default cache_type is "readahead". version_aware : bool (False) Whether to support bucket versioning. If enable this will require the user to have the necessary IAM permissions for dealing with versioned objects. Note that in the event that you only need to work with the latest version of objects in a versioned bucket, and do not need the VersionId for those objects, you should set ``version_aware`` to False for performance reasons. When set to True, filesystem instances will use the S3 ListObjectVersions API call to list directory contents, which requires listing all historical object versions. cache_regions : bool (False) Whether to cache bucket regions or not. Whenever a new bucket is used, it will first find out which region it belongs and then use the client for that region. asynchronous : bool (False) Whether this instance is to be used from inside coroutines. config_kwargs : dict of parameters passed to ``botocore.client.Config`` kwargs : other parameters for core session. session : aiobotocore AioSession object to be used for all connections. This session will be used inplace of creating a new session inside S3FileSystem. For example: aiobotocore.session.AioSession(profile='test_user') The following parameters are passed on to fsspec: skip_instance_cache: to control reuse of instances use_listings_cache, listings_expiry_time, max_paths: to control reuse of directory listings Examples -------- >>> s3 = S3FileSystem(anon=False) # doctest: +SKIP >>>'my-bucket/') # doctest: +SKIP ['my-file.txt'] >>> with'my-bucket/my-file.txt', mode='rb') as f: # doctest: +SKIP ... print( # doctest: +SKIP b'Hello, world!' """ root_marker = "" connect_timeout = 5 retries = 5 read_timeout = 15 default_block_size = 5 * 2**20 protocol = ("s3", "s3a") _extra_tokenize_attributes = ("default_block_size",) def __init__( self, anon=False, endpoint_url=None, key=None, secret=None, token=None, use_ssl=True, client_kwargs=None, requester_pays=False, default_block_size=None, default_fill_cache=True, default_cache_type="readahead", version_aware=False, config_kwargs=None, s3_additional_kwargs=None, session=None, username=None, password=None, cache_regions=False, asynchronous=False, loop=None, **kwargs, ): if key and username: raise KeyError("Supply either key or username, not both") if secret and password: raise KeyError("Supply secret or password, not both") if username: key = username if password: secret = password self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url self.anon = anon self.key = key self.secret = secret self.token = token self.kwargs = kwargs super_kwargs = { k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in ["use_listings_cache", "listings_expiry_time", "max_paths"] if k in kwargs } # passed to fsspec superclass super().__init__(loop=loop, asynchronous=asynchronous, **super_kwargs) self.default_block_size = default_block_size or self.default_block_size self.default_fill_cache = default_fill_cache self.default_cache_type = default_cache_type self.version_aware = version_aware self.client_kwargs = client_kwargs or {} self.config_kwargs = config_kwargs or {} self.req_kw = {"RequestPayer": "requester"} if requester_pays else {} self.s3_additional_kwargs = s3_additional_kwargs or {} self.use_ssl = use_ssl self.cache_regions = cache_regions self._s3 = None self.session = session @property def s3(self): if self._s3 is None: if self.asynchronous: raise RuntimeError("please await ``.set_session`` before anything else") self.connect() return self._s3 def _filter_kwargs(self, s3_method, kwargs): return self._kwargs_helper.filter_dict(s3_method.__name__, kwargs) async def get_s3(self, bucket=None): if self.cache_regions and bucket is not None: return await self._s3creator.get_bucket_client(bucket) else: return self._s3 async def _call_s3(self, method, *akwarglist, **kwargs): await self.set_session() s3 = await self.get_s3(kwargs.get("Bucket")) method = getattr(s3, method) kw2 = kwargs.copy() kw2.pop("Body", None) logger.debug("CALL: %s - %s - %s", method.__name__, akwarglist, kw2) additional_kwargs = self._get_s3_method_kwargs(method, *akwarglist, **kwargs) return await _error_wrapper( method, kwargs=additional_kwargs, retries=self.retries ) call_s3 = sync_wrapper(_call_s3) def _get_s3_method_kwargs(self, method, *akwarglist, **kwargs): additional_kwargs = self.s3_additional_kwargs.copy() for akwargs in akwarglist: additional_kwargs.update(akwargs) # Add the normal kwargs in additional_kwargs.update(kwargs) # filter all kwargs return self._filter_kwargs(method, additional_kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_kwargs_from_urls(urlpath): """ When we have a urlpath that contains a ?versionId= Assume that we want to use version_aware mode for the filesystem. """ url_storage_opts = infer_storage_options(urlpath) url_query = url_storage_opts.get("url_query") out = {} if url_query is not None: from urllib.parse import parse_qs parsed = parse_qs(url_query) if "versionId" in parsed: out["version_aware"] = True return out def _find_bucket_key(self, s3_path): """ This is a helper function that given an s3 path such that the path is of the form: bucket/key It will return the bucket and the key represented by the s3 path """ bucket_format_list = [ re.compile( r"^(?P<bucket>arn:(aws).*:s3:[a-z\-0-9]*:[0-9]{12}:accesspoint[:/][^/]+)/?" r"(?P<key>.*)$" ), re.compile( r"^(?P<bucket>arn:(aws).*:s3-outposts:[a-z\-0-9]+:[0-9]{12}:outpost[/:]" r"[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63}[/:](bucket|accesspoint)[/:][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63})[/:]?(?P<key>.*)$" ), re.compile( r"^(?P<bucket>arn:(aws).*:s3-outposts:[a-z\-0-9]+:[0-9]{12}:outpost[/:]" r"[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63}[/:]bucket[/:]" r"[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63})[/:]?(?P<key>.*)$" ), re.compile( r"^(?P<bucket>arn:(aws).*:s3-object-lambda:[a-z\-0-9]+:[0-9]{12}:" r"accesspoint[/:][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63})[/:]?(?P<key>.*)$" ), ] for bucket_format in bucket_format_list: match = bucket_format.match(s3_path) if match: return"bucket"),"key") s3_components = s3_path.split("/", 1) bucket = s3_components[0] s3_key = "" if len(s3_components) > 1: s3_key = s3_components[1] return bucket, s3_key
[docs] def split_path(self, path) -> Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]: """ Normalise S3 path string into bucket and key. Parameters ---------- path : string Input path, like `s3://mybucket/path/to/file` Examples -------- >>> split_path("s3://mybucket/path/to/file") ['mybucket', 'path/to/file', None] >>> split_path("s3://mybucket/path/to/versioned_file?versionId=some_version_id") ['mybucket', 'path/to/versioned_file', 'some_version_id'] """ path = self._strip_protocol(path) path = path.lstrip("/") if "/" not in path: return path, "", None else: bucket, keypart = self._find_bucket_key(path) key, _, version_id = keypart.partition("?versionId=") return ( bucket, key, version_id if self.version_aware and version_id else None, )
def _prepare_config_kwargs(self): config_kwargs = self.config_kwargs.copy() if "connect_timeout" not in config_kwargs.keys(): config_kwargs["connect_timeout"] = self.connect_timeout if "read_timeout" not in config_kwargs.keys(): config_kwargs["read_timeout"] = self.read_timeout return config_kwargs
[docs] async def set_session(self, refresh=False, kwargs={}): """Establish S3 connection object. Returns ------- Session to be closed later with await .close() """ if self._s3 is not None and not refresh: return self._s3 logger.debug("Setting up s3fs instance") client_kwargs = self.client_kwargs.copy() init_kwargs = dict( aws_access_key_id=self.key, aws_secret_access_key=self.secret, aws_session_token=self.token, endpoint_url=self.endpoint_url, ) init_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in init_kwargs.items() if value is not None and value != client_kwargs.get(key) } if "use_ssl" not in client_kwargs.keys(): init_kwargs["use_ssl"] = self.use_ssl config_kwargs = self._prepare_config_kwargs() if self.anon: from botocore import UNSIGNED drop_keys = { "aws_access_key_id", "aws_secret_access_key", "aws_session_token", } init_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in init_kwargs.items() if key not in drop_keys } client_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in client_kwargs.items() if key not in drop_keys } config_kwargs["signature_version"] = UNSIGNED conf = AioConfig(**config_kwargs) if self.session is None: self.session = aiobotocore.session.AioSession(**self.kwargs) for parameters in (config_kwargs, self.kwargs, init_kwargs, client_kwargs): for option in ("region_name", "endpoint_url"): if parameters.get(option): self.cache_regions = False break else: cache_regions = self.cache_regions logger.debug( "RC: caching enabled? %r (explicit option is %r)", cache_regions, self.cache_regions, ) self.cache_regions = cache_regions if self.cache_regions: s3creator = S3BucketRegionCache( self.session, config=conf, **init_kwargs, **client_kwargs ) self._s3 = await s3creator.get_client() else: s3creator = self.session.create_client( "s3", config=conf, **init_kwargs, **client_kwargs ) self._s3 = await s3creator.__aenter__() self._s3creator = s3creator # the following actually closes the aiohttp connection; use of privates # might break in the future, would cause exception at gc time if not self.asynchronous: weakref.finalize(self, self.close_session, self.loop, self._s3creator) self._kwargs_helper = ParamKwargsHelper(self._s3) return self._s3
_connect = set_session connect = sync_wrapper(set_session) @staticmethod def close_session(loop, s3): if loop is not None and loop.is_running(): try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(s3.__aexit__(None, None, None)) return except RuntimeError: pass try: sync(loop, s3.__aexit__, None, None, None, timeout=0.1) return except FSTimeoutError: pass try: # close the actual socket s3._client._endpoint.http_session._connector._close() except AttributeError: # but during shutdown, it may have gone pass async def _get_delegated_s3pars(self, exp=3600): """Get temporary credentials from STS, appropriate for sending across a network. Only relevant where the key/secret were explicitly provided. Parameters ---------- exp : int Time in seconds that credentials are good for Returns ------- dict of parameters """ if self.anon: return {"anon": True} if self.token: # already has temporary cred return { "key": self.key, "secret": self.secret, "token": self.token, "anon": False, } if self.key is None or self.secret is None: # automatic credentials return {"anon": False} async with self.session.create_client("sts") as sts: cred = sts.get_session_token(DurationSeconds=exp)["Credentials"] return { "key": cred["AccessKeyId"], "secret": cred["SecretAccessKey"], "token": cred["SessionToken"], "anon": False, } get_delegated_s3pars = sync_wrapper(_get_delegated_s3pars) def _open( self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, acl=False, version_id=None, fill_cache=None, cache_type=None, autocommit=True, size=None, requester_pays=None, cache_options=None, **kwargs, ): """Open a file for reading or writing Parameters ---------- path: string Path of file on S3 mode: string One of 'r', 'w', 'a', 'rb', 'wb', or 'ab'. These have the same meaning as they do for the built-in `open` function. block_size: int Size of data-node blocks if reading fill_cache: bool If seeking to new a part of the file beyond the current buffer, with this True, the buffer will be filled between the sections to best support random access. When reading only a few specific chunks out of a file, performance may be better if False. acl: str Canned ACL to set when writing. False sends no parameter and uses the bucket's preset default; otherwise it should be a member of the `key_acls` set. version_id : str Explicit version of the object to open. This requires that the s3 filesystem is version aware and bucket versioning is enabled on the relevant bucket. encoding : str The encoding to use if opening the file in text mode. The platform's default text encoding is used if not given. cache_type : str See fsspec's documentation for available cache_type values. Set to "none" if no caching is desired. If None, defaults to ``self.default_cache_type``. requester_pays : bool (optional) If RequesterPays buckets are supported. If None, defaults to the value used when creating the S3FileSystem (which defaults to False.) kwargs: dict-like Additional parameters used for s3 methods. Typically used for ServerSideEncryption. """ if block_size is None: block_size = self.default_block_size if fill_cache is None: fill_cache = self.default_fill_cache if requester_pays is None: requester_pays = bool(self.req_kw) acl = ( acl or self.s3_additional_kwargs.get("ACL", False) or self.s3_additional_kwargs.get("acl", False) ) kw = self.s3_additional_kwargs.copy() kw.update(kwargs) if not self.version_aware and version_id: raise ValueError( "version_id cannot be specified if the filesystem " "is not version aware" ) if cache_type is None: cache_type = self.default_cache_type return S3File( self, path, mode, block_size=block_size, acl=acl, version_id=version_id, fill_cache=fill_cache, s3_additional_kwargs=kw, cache_type=cache_type, autocommit=autocommit, requester_pays=requester_pays, cache_options=cache_options, size=size, ) async def _lsdir( self, path, refresh=False, max_items=None, delimiter="/", prefix="", versions=False, ): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) if not prefix: prefix = "" if key: prefix = key.lstrip("/") + "/" + prefix if path not in self.dircache or refresh or not delimiter or versions: try: logger.debug("Get directory listing page for %s" % path) dirs = [] files = [] async for c in self._iterdir( bucket, max_items=max_items, delimiter=delimiter, prefix=prefix, versions=versions, ): if c["type"] == "directory": dirs.append(c) else: files.append(c) files += dirs except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e) if delimiter and files and not versions: self.dircache[path] = files return files return self.dircache[path] async def _iterdir( self, bucket, max_items=None, delimiter="/", prefix="", versions=False ): """Iterate asynchronously over files and directories under `prefix`. The contents are yielded in arbitrary order as info dicts. """ if versions and not self.version_aware: raise ValueError( "versions cannot be specified if the filesystem is not version aware" ) await self.set_session() s3 = await self.get_s3(bucket) if self.version_aware: method = "list_object_versions" contents_key = "Versions" else: method = "list_objects_v2" contents_key = "Contents" pag = s3.get_paginator(method) config = {} if max_items is not None: config.update(MaxItems=max_items, PageSize=2 * max_items) it = pag.paginate( Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter=delimiter, PaginationConfig=config, **self.req_kw, ) async for i in it: for l in i.get("CommonPrefixes", []): c = { "Key": l["Prefix"][:-1], "Size": 0, "StorageClass": "DIRECTORY", "type": "directory", } self._fill_info(c, bucket, versions=False) yield c for c in i.get(contents_key, []): if not self.version_aware or c.get("IsLatest") or versions: c["type"] = "file" c["size"] = c["Size"] self._fill_info(c, bucket, versions=versions) yield c @staticmethod def _fill_info(f, bucket, versions=False): f["size"] = f["Size"] f["Key"] = "/".join([bucket, f["Key"]]) f["name"] = f["Key"] version_id = f.get("VersionId") if versions and version_id and version_id != "null": f["name"] += f"?versionId={version_id}" async def _glob(self, path, **kwargs): if path.startswith("*"): raise ValueError("Cannot traverse all of S3") return await super()._glob(path, **kwargs) async def _find(self, path, maxdepth=None, withdirs=None, detail=False, prefix=""): """List all files below path. Like posix ``find`` command without conditions Parameters ---------- path : str maxdepth: int or None If not None, the maximum number of levels to descend withdirs: bool Whether to include directory paths in the output. This is True when used by glob, but users usually only want files. prefix: str Only return files that match ``^{path}/{prefix}`` (if there is an exact match ``filename == {path}/{prefix}``, it also will be included) """ path = self._strip_protocol(path) bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) if not bucket: raise ValueError("Cannot traverse all of S3") if (withdirs or maxdepth) and prefix: # TODO: perhaps propagate these to a glob(f"path/{prefix}*") call raise ValueError( "Can not specify 'prefix' option alongside 'withdirs'/'maxdepth' options." ) if maxdepth: return await super()._find( bucket + "/" + key, maxdepth=maxdepth, withdirs=withdirs, detail=detail ) # TODO: implement find from dircache, if all listings are present # if refresh is False: # out = incomplete_tree_dirs(self.dircache, path) # if len(out) == 1: # await self._find(out[0]) # return super().find(path) # elif len(out) == 0: # return super().find(path) # # else: we refresh anyway, having at least two missing trees out = await self._lsdir(path, delimiter="", prefix=prefix) if not out and key: try: out = [await self._info(path)] except FileNotFoundError: out = [] dirs = [] sdirs = set() thisdircache = {} for o in out: par = self._parent(o["name"]) if par not in sdirs: sdirs.add(par) d = False if len(path) <= len(par): d = { "Key": self.split_path(par)[1], "Size": 0, "name": par, "StorageClass": "DIRECTORY", "type": "directory", "size": 0, } dirs.append(d) thisdircache[par] = [] ppar = self._parent(par) if ppar in thisdircache: if d and d not in thisdircache[ppar]: thisdircache[ppar].append(d) if par in sdirs: thisdircache[par].append(o) # Explicitly add directories to their parents in the dircache for d in dirs: par = self._parent(d["name"]) if par in thisdircache: thisdircache[par].append(d) if not prefix: for k, v in thisdircache.items(): if k not in self.dircache and len(k) >= len(path): self.dircache[k] = v if withdirs: out = sorted(out + dirs, key=lambda x: x["name"]) if detail: return {o["name"]: o for o in out} return [o["name"] for o in out] find = sync_wrapper(_find) async def _mkdir(self, path, acl=False, create_parents=True, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path).rstrip("/") if not path: raise ValueError bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) if await self._exists(bucket): if not key: # requested to create bucket, but bucket already exist raise FileExistsError # else: # do nothing as bucket is already created. elif not key or create_parents: if acl and acl not in buck_acls: raise ValueError("ACL not in %s", buck_acls) try: params = {"Bucket": bucket} if acl: params["ACL"] = acl region_name = kwargs.get("region_name", None) or self.client_kwargs.get( "region_name", None ) if region_name: params["CreateBucketConfiguration"] = { "LocationConstraint": region_name } await self._call_s3("create_bucket", **params) self.invalidate_cache("") self.invalidate_cache(bucket) except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e) except ParamValidationError as e: raise ValueError("Bucket create failed %r: %s" % (bucket, e)) else: # raises if bucket doesn't exist and doesn't get create flag. await self._ls(bucket) mkdir = sync_wrapper(_mkdir) async def _makedirs(self, path, exist_ok=False): try: await self._mkdir(path, create_parents=True) except FileExistsError: if exist_ok: pass else: raise makedirs = sync_wrapper(_makedirs) async def _rmdir(self, path): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) if key: if await self._exists(path): # User may have meant rm(path, recursive=True) raise FileExistsError raise FileNotFoundError try: await self._call_s3("delete_bucket", Bucket=path) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if "NoSuchBucket" in str(e): raise FileNotFoundError(path) from e if "BucketNotEmpty" in str(e): raise OSError from e raise self.invalidate_cache(path) self.invalidate_cache("") rmdir = sync_wrapper(_rmdir) async def _lsbuckets(self, refresh=False): if "" not in self.dircache or refresh: if self.anon: # cannot list buckets if not logged in return [] try: files = (await self._call_s3("list_buckets"))["Buckets"] except ClientError: # listbucket permission missing return [] for f in files: f["Key"] = f["Name"] f["Size"] = 0 f["StorageClass"] = "BUCKET" f["size"] = 0 f["type"] = "directory" f["name"] = f["Name"] del f["Name"] self.dircache[""] = files return files return self.dircache[""] async def _ls(self, path, detail=False, refresh=False, versions=False): """List files in given bucket, or list of buckets. Listing is cached unless `refresh=True`. Note: only your buckets associated with the login will be listed by `ls('')`, not any public buckets (even if already accessed). Parameters ---------- path : string/bytes location at which to list files refresh : bool (=False) if False, look in local cache for file details first """ path = self._strip_protocol(path).rstrip("/") if path in ["", "/"]: files = await self._lsbuckets(refresh) else: files = await self._lsdir(path, refresh, versions=versions) if not files and "/" in path: files = await self._lsdir( self._parent(path), refresh=refresh, versions=versions ) files = [ o for o in files if o["name"].rstrip("/") == path and o["type"] != "directory" ] if not files: raise FileNotFoundError(path) if detail: return files return files if detail else sorted([o["name"] for o in files]) def _exists_in_cache(self, path, bucket, key, version_id): fullpath = "/".join((bucket, key)) try: entries = self._ls_from_cache(fullpath) except FileNotFoundError: return False if entries is None: return None if not self.version_aware or version_id is None: return True for entry in entries: if entry["name"] == fullpath and entry.get("VersionId") == version_id: return True # dircache doesn't support multiple versions, so we really can't tell if # the one we want exists. return None async def _exists(self, path): if path in ["", "/"]: # the root always exists, even if anon return True path = self._strip_protocol(path) bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) if key: exists_in_cache = self._exists_in_cache(path, bucket, key, version_id) if exists_in_cache is not None: return exists_in_cache try: await self._info(path, bucket, key, version_id=version_id) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False elif self.dircache.get(bucket, False): return True else: try: if self._ls_from_cache(bucket): return True except FileNotFoundError: # might still be a bucket we can access but don't own pass try: await self._call_s3( "list_objects_v2", MaxKeys=1, Bucket=bucket, **self.req_kw ) return True except Exception: pass try: await self._call_s3("get_bucket_location", Bucket=bucket, **self.req_kw) return True except Exception: return False exists = sync_wrapper(_exists) async def _touch(self, path, truncate=True, data=None, **kwargs): """Create empty file or truncate""" bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) if version_id: raise ValueError("S3 does not support touching existing versions of files") if not truncate and await self._exists(path): raise ValueError("S3 does not support touching existent files") try: write_result = await self._call_s3( "put_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **kwargs ) except ClientError as ex: raise translate_boto_error(ex) self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(path)) return write_result touch = sync_wrapper(_touch) async def _cat_file(self, path, version_id=None, start=None, end=None): bucket, key, vers = self.split_path(path) if start is not None or end is not None: head = {"Range": await self._process_limits(path, start, end)} else: head = {} async def _call_and_read(): resp = await self._call_s3( "get_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id or vers), **head, **self.req_kw, ) try: return await resp["Body"].read() finally: resp["Body"].close() return await _error_wrapper(_call_and_read, retries=self.retries) async def _pipe_file(self, path, data, chunksize=50 * 2**20, **kwargs): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) size = len(data) # 5 GB is the limit for an S3 PUT if size < min(5 * 2**30, 2 * chunksize): return await self._call_s3( "put_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Body=data, **kwargs ) else: mpu = await self._call_s3( "create_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **kwargs ) out = [ await self._call_s3( "upload_part", Bucket=bucket, PartNumber=i + 1, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], Body=data[off : off + chunksize], Key=key, ) for i, off in enumerate(range(0, len(data), chunksize)) ] parts = [ {"PartNumber": i + 1, "ETag": o["ETag"]} for i, o in enumerate(out) ] await self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload={"Parts": parts}, ) self.invalidate_cache(path) async def _put_file( self, lpath, rpath, callback=_DEFAULT_CALLBACK, chunksize=50 * 2**20, **kwargs ): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(rpath) if os.path.isdir(lpath): if key: # don't make remote "directory" return else: await self._mkdir(lpath) size = os.path.getsize(lpath) callback.set_size(size) if "ContentType" not in kwargs: content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(lpath) if content_type is not None: kwargs["ContentType"] = content_type with open(lpath, "rb") as f0: if size < min(5 * 2**30, 2 * chunksize): chunk = await self._call_s3( "put_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Body=chunk, **kwargs ) callback.relative_update(size) else: mpu = await self._call_s3( "create_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **kwargs ) out = [] while True: chunk = if not chunk: break out.append( await self._call_s3( "upload_part", Bucket=bucket, PartNumber=len(out) + 1, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], Body=chunk, Key=key, ) ) callback.relative_update(len(chunk)) parts = [ {"PartNumber": i + 1, "ETag": o["ETag"]} for i, o in enumerate(out) ] await self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload={"Parts": parts}, ) while rpath: self.invalidate_cache(rpath) rpath = self._parent(rpath) async def _get_file( self, rpath, lpath, callback=_DEFAULT_CALLBACK, version_id=None ): if os.path.isdir(lpath): return bucket, key, vers = self.split_path(rpath) async def _open_file(range: int): kw = self.req_kw.copy() if range: kw["Range"] = f"bytes={range}-" resp = await self._call_s3( "get_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id or vers), **kw, ) return resp["Body"], resp.get("ContentLength", None) body, content_length = await _open_file(range=0) callback.set_size(content_length) failed_reads = 0 bytes_read = 0 try: with open(lpath, "wb") as f0: while True: try: chunk = await**16) except S3_RETRYABLE_ERRORS: failed_reads += 1 if failed_reads >= self.retries: # Give up if we've failed too many times. raise # Closing the body may result in an exception if we've failed to read from it. try: body.close() except Exception: pass await asyncio.sleep(min(1.7**failed_reads * 0.1, 15)) # Byte ranges are inclusive, which means we need to be careful to not read the same data twice # in a failure. # Examples: # Read 1 byte -> failure, retry with read_range=0, byte range should be 0- # Read 1 byte, success. Read 1 byte: failure. Retry with read_range=1, byte-range should be 1- # Read 1 bytes, success. Read 1 bytes: success. Read 1 byte, failure. Retry with read_range=2, # byte-range should be 2-. body, _ = await _open_file(bytes_read) continue if not chunk: break bytes_read += len(chunk) segment_len = f0.write(chunk) callback.relative_update(segment_len) finally: try: body.close() except Exception: pass async def _info(self, path, bucket=None, key=None, refresh=False, version_id=None): path = self._strip_protocol(path) bucket, key, path_version_id = self.split_path(path) fullpath = "/".join((bucket, key)) if version_id is not None: if not self.version_aware: raise ValueError( "version_id cannot be specified if the " "filesystem is not version aware" ) if path in ["/", ""]: return {"name": path, "size": 0, "type": "directory"} version_id = _coalesce_version_id(path_version_id, version_id) if not refresh: out = self._ls_from_cache(fullpath) if out is not None: if self.version_aware and version_id is not None: # If cached info does not match requested version_id, # fallback to calling head_object out = [ o for o in out if o["name"] == fullpath and version_id == o.get("VersionId") ] if out: return out[0] else: out = [o for o in out if o["name"] == path] if out: return out[0] return {"name": path, "size": 0, "type": "directory"} if key: try: out = await self._call_s3( "head_object", self.kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id), **self.req_kw, ) return { "ETag": out.get("ETag", ""), "LastModified": out.get("LastModified", ""), "size": out["ContentLength"], "name": "/".join([bucket, key]), "type": "file", "StorageClass": out.get("StorageClass", "STANDARD"), "VersionId": out.get("VersionId"), "ContentType": out.get("ContentType"), } except FileNotFoundError: pass except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e, set_cause=False) try: # We check to see if the path is a directory by attempting to list its # contexts. If anything is found, it is indeed a directory out = await self._call_s3( "list_objects_v2", self.kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key.rstrip("/") + "/" if key else "", Delimiter="/", MaxKeys=1, **self.req_kw, ) if ( out.get("KeyCount", 0) > 0 or out.get("Contents", []) or out.get("CommonPrefixes", []) ): return { "name": "/".join([bucket, key]), "type": "directory", "size": 0, "StorageClass": "DIRECTORY", } raise FileNotFoundError(path) except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e, set_cause=False) except ParamValidationError as e: raise ValueError("Failed to list path %r: %s" % (path, e)) async def _checksum(self, path, refresh=False): """ Unique value for current version of file If the checksum is the same from one moment to another, the contents are guaranteed to be the same. If the checksum changes, the contents *might* have changed. Parameters ---------- path : string/bytes path of file to get checksum for refresh : bool (=False) if False, look in local cache for file details first """ info = await self._info(path, refresh=refresh) if info["type"] != "directory": return int(info["ETag"].strip('"').split("-")[0], 16) else: return int(tokenize(info), 16) checksum = sync_wrapper(_checksum) async def _isdir(self, path): path = self._strip_protocol(path).strip("/") # Send buckets to super if "/" not in path: if path in await self._lsbuckets(path): return True try: out = await self._lsdir(path) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False if path in self.dircache: for fp in self.dircache[path]: # For files the dircache can contain itself. # If it contains anything other than itself it is a directory. if fp["name"] != path: return True return False parent = self._parent(path) if parent in self.dircache: for f in self.dircache[parent]: if f["name"] == path: # If we find ourselves return whether we are a directory return f["type"] == "directory" return False # This only returns things within the path and NOT the path object itself try: return bool(await self._lsdir(path)) except FileNotFoundError: return False isdir = sync_wrapper(_isdir) async def _object_version_info(self, path, **kwargs): if not self.version_aware: raise ValueError( "version specific functionality is disabled for " "non-version aware filesystems" ) bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) kwargs = {} out = {"IsTruncated": True} versions = [] while out["IsTruncated"]: out = await self._call_s3( "list_object_versions", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key, **self.req_kw, ) versions.extend(out["Versions"]) kwargs.update( { "VersionIdMarker": out.get("NextVersionIdMarker", ""), "KeyMarker": out.get("NextKeyMarker", ""), } ) return versions object_version_info = sync_wrapper(_object_version_info) _metadata_cache = {} async def _metadata(self, path, refresh=False, **kwargs): """Return metadata of path. Parameters ---------- path : string/bytes filename to get metadata for refresh : bool (=False) (ignored) """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) response = await self._call_s3( "head_object", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id), **self.req_kw, ) meta = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in response["Metadata"].items()} return meta metadata = sync_wrapper(_metadata)
[docs] def get_tags(self, path): """Retrieve tag key/values for the given path Returns ------- {str: str} """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) response = self.call_s3( "get_object_tagging", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id), ) return {v["Key"]: v["Value"] for v in response["TagSet"]}
[docs] def put_tags(self, path, tags, mode="o"): """Set tags for given existing key Tags are a str:str mapping that can be attached to any key, see This is similar to, but distinct from, key metadata, which is usually set at key creation time. Parameters ---------- path: str Existing key to attach tags to tags: dict str, str Tags to apply. mode: One of 'o' or 'm' 'o': Will over-write any existing tags. 'm': Will merge in new tags with existing tags. Incurs two remote calls. """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) if mode == "m": existing_tags = self.get_tags(path=path) existing_tags.update(tags) new_tags = [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in existing_tags.items()] elif mode == "o": new_tags = [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in tags.items()] else: raise ValueError("Mode must be {'o', 'm'}, not %s" % mode) tag = {"TagSet": new_tags} self.call_s3( "put_object_tagging", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Tagging=tag, **version_id_kw(version_id), )
async def _getxattr(self, path, attr_name, **kwargs): """Get an attribute from the metadata. Examples -------- >>> mys3fs.getxattr('mykey', 'attribute_1') # doctest: +SKIP 'value_1' """ attr_name = attr_name.replace("_", "-") xattr = await self._metadata(path, **kwargs) if attr_name in xattr: return xattr[attr_name] return None getxattr = sync_wrapper(_getxattr) async def _setxattr(self, path, copy_kwargs=None, **kw_args): """Set metadata. Attributes have to be of the form documented in the `Metadata Reference`_. Parameters ---------- kw_args : key-value pairs like field="value", where the values must be strings. Does not alter existing fields, unless the field appears here - if the value is None, delete the field. copy_kwargs : dict, optional dictionary of additional params to use for the underlying s3.copy_object. Examples -------- >>> mys3file.setxattr(attribute_1='value1', attribute_2='value2') # doctest: +SKIP # Example for use with copy_args >>> mys3file.setxattr(copy_kwargs={'ContentType': 'application/pdf'}, ... attribute_1='value1') # doctest: +SKIP .. _Metadata Reference: """ kw_args = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in kw_args.items()} bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) metadata = await self._metadata(path) metadata.update(**kw_args) copy_kwargs = copy_kwargs or {} # remove all keys that are None for kw_key in kw_args: if kw_args[kw_key] is None: metadata.pop(kw_key, None) src = {"Bucket": bucket, "Key": key} if version_id: src["VersionId"] = version_id await self._call_s3( "copy_object", copy_kwargs, CopySource=src, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Metadata=metadata, MetadataDirective="REPLACE", ) # refresh metadata self._metadata_cache[path] = metadata setxattr = sync_wrapper(_setxattr) async def _chmod(self, path, acl, recursive=False, **kwargs): """Set Access Control on a bucket/key See Parameters ---------- path : string the object to set acl : string the value of ACL to apply recursive : bool whether to apply the ACL to all keys below the given path too """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) if recursive: allfiles = await self._find(path, withdirs=False) await asyncio.gather( *[self._chmod(p, acl, recursive=False) for p in allfiles] ) elif key: if acl not in key_acls: raise ValueError("ACL not in %s", key_acls) await self._call_s3( "put_object_acl", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, ACL=acl, **version_id_kw(version_id), ) if not key: if acl not in buck_acls: raise ValueError("ACL not in %s", buck_acls) await self._call_s3("put_bucket_acl", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, ACL=acl) chmod = sync_wrapper(_chmod) async def _url(self, path, expires=3600, client_method="get_object", **kwargs): """Generate presigned URL to access path by HTTP Parameters ---------- path : string the key path we are interested in expires : int the number of seconds this signature will be good for. """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) await self.set_session() s3 = await self.get_s3(bucket) return await s3.generate_presigned_url( ClientMethod=client_method, Params=dict(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id), **kwargs), ExpiresIn=expires, ) url = sync_wrapper(_url) async def _merge(self, path, filelist, **kwargs): """Create single S3 file from list of S3 files Uses multi-part, no data is downloaded. The original files are not deleted. Parameters ---------- path : str The final file to produce filelist : list of str The paths, in order, to assemble into the final file. """ bucket, key, version_id = self.split_path(path) if version_id: raise ValueError("Cannot write to an explicit versioned file!") mpu = await self._call_s3( "create_multipart_upload", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key ) # TODO: Make this support versions? out = await asyncio.gather( *[ self._call_s3( "upload_part_copy", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], CopySource=f, PartNumber=i + 1, ) for (i, f) in enumerate(filelist) ] ) parts = [ {"PartNumber": i + 1, "ETag": o["CopyPartResult"]["ETag"]} for (i, o) in enumerate(out) ] part_info = {"Parts": parts} await self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload=part_info, ) self.invalidate_cache(path) merge = sync_wrapper(_merge) async def _copy_basic(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): """Copy file between locations on S3 Not allowed where the origin is >5GB - use copy_managed """ buc1, key1, ver1 = self.split_path(path1) buc2, key2, ver2 = self.split_path(path2) if ver2: raise ValueError("Cannot copy to a versioned file!") try: copy_src = {"Bucket": buc1, "Key": key1} if ver1: copy_src["VersionId"] = ver1 await self._call_s3( "copy_object", kwargs, Bucket=buc2, Key=key2, CopySource=copy_src ) except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e) except ParamValidationError as e: raise ValueError("Copy failed (%r -> %r): %s" % (path1, path2, e)) from e self.invalidate_cache(path2) async def _copy_etag_preserved(self, path1, path2, size, total_parts, **kwargs): """Copy file between locations on S3 as multi-part while preserving the etag (using the same part sizes for each part""" bucket1, key1, version1 = self.split_path(path1) bucket2, key2, version2 = self.split_path(path2) mpu = await self._call_s3( "create_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket2, Key=key2, **kwargs ) part_infos = await asyncio.gather( *[ self._call_s3("head_object", Bucket=bucket1, Key=key1, PartNumber=i) for i in range(1, total_parts + 1) ] ) parts = [] brange_first = 0 for i, part_info in enumerate(part_infos, 1): part_size = part_info["ContentLength"] brange_last = brange_first + part_size - 1 if brange_last > size: brange_last = size - 1 part = await self._call_s3( "upload_part_copy", Bucket=bucket2, Key=key2, PartNumber=i, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], CopySource=path1, CopySourceRange="bytes=%i-%i" % (brange_first, brange_last), ) parts.append({"PartNumber": i, "ETag": part["CopyPartResult"]["ETag"]}) brange_first += part_size await self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket2, Key=key2, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload={"Parts": parts}, ) self.invalidate_cache(path2) async def _copy_managed(self, path1, path2, size, block=5 * 2**30, **kwargs): """Copy file between locations on S3 as multi-part block: int The size of the pieces, must be larger than 5MB and at most 5GB. Smaller blocks mean more calls, only useful for testing. """ if block < 5 * 2**20 or block > 5 * 2**30: raise ValueError("Copy block size must be 5MB<=block<=5GB") bucket, key, version = self.split_path(path2) mpu = await self._call_s3( "create_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **kwargs ) # attempting to do the following calls concurrently with gather causes # occasional "upload is smaller than the minimum allowed" out = [ await self._call_s3( "upload_part_copy", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, PartNumber=i + 1, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], CopySource=path1, CopySourceRange="bytes=%i-%i" % (brange_first, brange_last), ) for i, (brange_first, brange_last) in enumerate(_get_brange(size, block)) ] parts = [ {"PartNumber": i + 1, "ETag": o["CopyPartResult"]["ETag"]} for i, o in enumerate(out) ] await self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, UploadId=mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload={"Parts": parts}, ) self.invalidate_cache(path2) async def _cp_file(self, path1, path2, preserve_etag=None, **kwargs): """Copy file between locations on S3. preserve_etag: bool Whether to preserve etag while copying. If the file is uploaded as a single part, then it will be always equalivent to the md5 hash of the file hence etag will always be preserved. But if the file is uploaded in multi parts, then this option will try to reproduce the same multipart upload while copying and preserve the generated etag. """ path1 = self._strip_protocol(path1) bucket, key, vers = self.split_path(path1) info = await self._info(path1, bucket, key, version_id=vers) size = info["size"] _, _, parts_suffix = info.get("ETag", "").strip('"').partition("-") if preserve_etag and parts_suffix: await self._copy_etag_preserved( path1, path2, size, total_parts=int(parts_suffix) ) elif size <= MANAGED_COPY_THRESHOLD: # simple copy allowed for <5GB await self._copy_basic(path1, path2, **kwargs) else: # if the preserve_etag is true, either the file is uploaded # on multiple parts or the size is lower than 5GB assert not preserve_etag # serial multipart copy await self._copy_managed(path1, path2, size, **kwargs) async def _list_multipart_uploads(self, bucket): out = await self._call_s3("list_multipart_uploads", Bucket=bucket) return out.get("Contents", []) or out.get("Uploads", []) list_multipart_uploads = sync_wrapper(_list_multipart_uploads) async def _clear_multipart_uploads(self, bucket): """Remove any partial uploads in the bucket""" out = await self._list_multipart_uploads(bucket) await asyncio.gather( *[ self._call_s3( "abort_multipart_upload", Bucket=bucket, Key=upload["Key"], UploadId=upload["UploadId"], ) for upload in out ] ) clear_multipart_uploads = sync_wrapper(_clear_multipart_uploads) async def _bulk_delete(self, pathlist, **kwargs): """ Remove multiple keys with one call Parameters ---------- pathlist : list(str) The keys to remove, must all be in the same bucket. Must have 0 < len <= 1000 """ if not pathlist: return buckets = {self.split_path(path)[0] for path in pathlist} if len(buckets) > 1: raise ValueError("Bulk delete files should refer to only one bucket") bucket = buckets.pop() if len(pathlist) > 1000: raise ValueError("Max number of files to delete in one call is 1000") delete_keys = { "Objects": [{"Key": self.split_path(path)[1]} for path in pathlist], "Quiet": True, } for path in pathlist: self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(path)) out = await self._call_s3( "delete_objects", kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_keys ) # TODO: we report on successes but don't raise on any errors, effectively # on_error="omit" return [f"{bucket}/{_['Key']}" for _ in out.get("Deleted", [])] async def _rm_file(self, path, **kwargs): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) self.invalidate_cache(path) try: await self._call_s3("delete_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key) except ClientError as e: raise translate_boto_error(e) async def _rm(self, path, recursive=False, **kwargs): if recursive and isinstance(path, str): bucket, key, _ = self.split_path(path) if not key and await self._is_bucket_versioned(bucket): # special path to completely remove versioned bucket await self._rm_versioned_bucket_contents(bucket) paths = await self._expand_path(path, recursive=recursive) files = [p for p in paths if self.split_path(p)[1]] dirs = [p for p in paths if not self.split_path(p)[1]] # TODO: fails if more than one bucket in list out = await _run_coros_in_chunks( [ self._bulk_delete(files[i : i + 1000]) for i in range(0, len(files), 1000) ], batch_size=3, nofiles=True, ) await asyncio.gather(*[self._rmdir(d) for d in dirs]) [ (self.invalidate_cache(p), self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(p))) for p in paths ] return sum(out, []) async def _is_bucket_versioned(self, bucket): return (await self._call_s3("get_bucket_versioning", Bucket=bucket)).get( "Status", "" ) == "Enabled" is_bucket_versioned = sync_wrapper(_is_bucket_versioned) async def _make_bucket_versioned(self, bucket, versioned: bool = True): """Set bucket versioning status""" status = "Enabled" if versioned else "Suspended" return await self._call_s3( "put_bucket_versioning", Bucket=bucket, VersioningConfiguration={"Status": status}, ) make_bucket_versioned = sync_wrapper(_make_bucket_versioned) async def _rm_versioned_bucket_contents(self, bucket): """Remove a versioned bucket and all contents""" await self.set_session() s3 = await self.get_s3(bucket) pag = s3.get_paginator("list_object_versions") async for plist in pag.paginate(Bucket=bucket): obs = plist.get("Versions", []) + plist.get("DeleteMarkers", []) delete_keys = { "Objects": [ {"Key": i["Key"], "VersionId": i["VersionId"]} for i in obs ], "Quiet": True, } if obs: await self._call_s3("delete_objects", Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_keys)
[docs] def invalidate_cache(self, path=None): if path is None: self.dircache.clear() else: path = self._strip_protocol(path) self.dircache.pop(path, None) while path: self.dircache.pop(path, None) path = self._parent(path)
async def _walk(self, path, maxdepth=None, **kwargs): if path in ["", "*"] + ["{}://".format(p) for p in self.protocol]: raise ValueError("Cannot crawl all of S3") async for _ in super()._walk(path, maxdepth=maxdepth, **kwargs): yield _
[docs] def modified(self, path, version_id=None, refresh=False): """Return the last modified timestamp of file at `path` as a datetime""" info =, version_id=version_id, refresh=refresh) if "LastModified" not in info: # This path is a bucket or folder, which do not currently have a modified date raise IsADirectoryError return info["LastModified"]
[docs] def sign(self, path, expiration=100, **kwargs): return self.url(path, expires=expiration, **kwargs)
async def _invalidate_region_cache(self): """Invalidate the region cache (associated with buckets) if ``cache_regions`` is turned on.""" if not self.cache_regions: return None # If the region cache is not initialized, then # do nothing. cache = getattr(self, "_s3creator", None) if cache is not None: await cache.clear() invalidate_region_cache = sync_wrapper(_invalidate_region_cache) async def open_async(self, path, mode="rb", **kwargs): if "b" not in mode or kwargs.get("compression"): raise ValueError return S3AsyncStreamedFile(self, path, mode)
[docs]class S3File(AbstractBufferedFile): """ Open S3 key as a file. Data is only loaded and cached on demand. Parameters ---------- s3 : S3FileSystem botocore connection path : string S3 bucket/key to access mode : str One of 'rb', 'wb', 'ab'. These have the same meaning as they do for the built-in `open` function. block_size : int read-ahead size for finding delimiters fill_cache : bool If seeking to new a part of the file beyond the current buffer, with this True, the buffer will be filled between the sections to best support random access. When reading only a few specific chunks out of a file, performance may be better if False. acl: str Canned ACL to apply version_id : str Optional version to read the file at. If not specified this will default to the current version of the object. This is only used for reading. requester_pays : bool (False) If RequesterPays buckets are supported. Examples -------- >>> s3 = S3FileSystem() # doctest: +SKIP >>> with'my-bucket/my-file.txt', mode='rb') as f: # doctest: +SKIP ... ... # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- used to create ``S3File`` objects """ retries = 5 part_min = 5 * 2**20 part_max = 5 * 2**30 def __init__( self, s3, path, mode="rb", block_size=5 * 2**20, acl=False, version_id=None, fill_cache=True, s3_additional_kwargs=None, autocommit=True, cache_type="readahead", requester_pays=False, cache_options=None, size=None, ): bucket, key, path_version_id = s3.split_path(path) if not key: raise ValueError("Attempt to open non key-like path: %s" % path) self.bucket = bucket self.key = key self.version_id = _coalesce_version_id(version_id, path_version_id) self.acl = acl if self.acl and self.acl not in key_acls: raise ValueError("ACL not in %s", key_acls) self.mpu = None = None self.fill_cache = fill_cache self.s3_additional_kwargs = s3_additional_kwargs or {} self.req_kw = {"RequestPayer": "requester"} if requester_pays else {} if "r" not in mode: if block_size < 5 * 2**20: raise ValueError("Block size must be >=5MB") else: if version_id and s3.version_aware: self.version_id = version_id self.details =, version_id=version_id) self.size = self.details["size"] elif s3.version_aware: # In this case we have not managed to get the VersionId out of details and # we should invalidate the cache and perform a full head_object since it # has likely been partially populated by ls. s3.invalidate_cache(path) self.details = self.version_id = self.details.get("VersionId") super().__init__( s3, path, mode, block_size, autocommit=autocommit, cache_type=cache_type, cache_options=cache_options, size=size, ) self.s3 = self.fs # compatibility # when not using autocommit we want to have transactional state to manage self.append_block = False if "a" in mode and s3.exists(path): # See: # put: # /reference/services/s3.html#S3.Client.put_object # # head: # /reference/services/s3.html#S3.Client.head_object head = self._call_s3( "head_object", self.kwargs, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **version_id_kw(version_id), **self.req_kw, ) head = { key: value for key, value in head.items() if key in _PRESERVE_KWARGS and key not in self.s3_additional_kwargs } loc = head.pop("ContentLength") if loc < 5 * 2**20: # existing file too small for multi-upload: download self.write( else: self.append_block = True self.loc = loc # Reflect head self.s3_additional_kwargs.update(head) if "r" in mode and size is None and "ETag" in self.details: self.req_kw["IfMatch"] = self.details["ETag"] def _call_s3(self, method, *kwarglist, **kwargs): return self.fs.call_s3(method, self.s3_additional_kwargs, *kwarglist, **kwargs) def _initiate_upload(self): if self.autocommit and not self.append_block and self.tell() < self.blocksize: # only happens when closing small file, use on-shot PUT return logger.debug("Initiate upload for %s" % self) = [] kw = dict( Bucket=self.bucket, Key=self.key, ) if self.acl: kw["ACL"] = self.acl self.mpu = self._call_s3("create_multipart_upload", **kw) if self.append_block: # use existing data in key when appending, # and block is big enough out = self._call_s3( "upload_part_copy", self.s3_additional_kwargs, Bucket=self.bucket, Key=self.key, PartNumber=1, UploadId=self.mpu["UploadId"], CopySource=self.path, ){"PartNumber": 1, "ETag": out["CopyPartResult"]["ETag"]})
[docs] def metadata(self, refresh=False, **kwargs): """Return metadata of file. See :func:`~s3fs.S3Filesystem.metadata`. Metadata is cached unless `refresh=True`. """ return self.fs.metadata(self.path, refresh, **kwargs)
[docs] def getxattr(self, xattr_name, **kwargs): """Get an attribute from the metadata. See :func:`~s3fs.S3Filesystem.getxattr`. Examples -------- >>> mys3file.getxattr('attribute_1') # doctest: +SKIP 'value_1' """ return self.fs.getxattr(self.path, xattr_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def setxattr(self, copy_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Set metadata. See :func:`~s3fs.S3Filesystem.setxattr`. Examples -------- >>> mys3file.setxattr(attribute_1='value1', attribute_2='value2') # doctest: +SKIP """ if self.writable(): raise NotImplementedError( "cannot update metadata while file is open for writing" ) return self.fs.setxattr(self.path, copy_kwargs=copy_kwargs, **kwargs)
[docs] def url(self, **kwargs): """HTTP URL to read this file (if it already exists)""" return self.fs.url(self.path, **kwargs)
def _fetch_range(self, start, end): try: return _fetch_range( self.fs, self.bucket, self.key, self.version_id, start, end, req_kw=self.req_kw, ) except OSError as ex: if ex.args[0] == errno.EINVAL and "pre-conditions" in ex.args[1]: raise FileExpired( filename=self.details["name"], e_tag=self.details.get("ETag") ) from ex else: raise def _upload_chunk(self, final=False): bucket, key, _ = self.fs.split_path(self.path) logger.debug( "Upload for %s, final=%s, loc=%s, buffer loc=%s" % (self, final, self.loc, self.buffer.tell()) ) if ( self.autocommit and not self.append_block and final and self.tell() < self.blocksize ): # only happens when closing small file, use on-shot PUT data1 = False else: (data0, data1) = (None, while data1: (data0, data1) = (data1, data1_size = len(data1) if 0 < data1_size < self.blocksize: remainder = data0 + data1 remainder_size = self.blocksize + data1_size if remainder_size <= self.part_max: (data0, data1) = (remainder, None) else: partition = remainder_size // 2 (data0, data1) = (remainder[:partition], remainder[partition:]) part = len( + 1 logger.debug("Upload chunk %s, %s" % (self, part)) out = self._call_s3( "upload_part", Bucket=bucket, PartNumber=part, UploadId=self.mpu["UploadId"], Body=data0, Key=key, ) part_header = {"PartNumber": part, "ETag": out["ETag"]} if "ChecksumSHA256" in out: part_header["ChecksumSHA256"] = out["ChecksumSHA256"] if self.autocommit and final: self.commit() return not final
[docs] def commit(self): logger.debug("Commit %s" % self) if self.tell() == 0: if self.buffer is not None: logger.debug("Empty file committed %s" % self) self._abort_mpu() write_result = self.fs.touch(self.path, **self.kwargs) elif not if self.buffer is not None: logger.debug("One-shot upload of %s" % self) data = kw = dict(Key=self.key, Bucket=self.bucket, Body=data, **self.kwargs) if self.acl: kw["ACL"] = self.acl write_result = self._call_s3("put_object", **kw) else: raise RuntimeError else: logger.debug("Complete multi-part upload for %s " % self) part_info = {"Parts":} write_result = self._call_s3( "complete_multipart_upload", Bucket=self.bucket, Key=self.key, UploadId=self.mpu["UploadId"], MultipartUpload=part_info, ) if self.fs.version_aware: self.version_id = write_result.get("VersionId") # complex cache invalidation, since file's appearance can cause several # directories self.buffer = None parts = self.path.split("/") path = parts[0] for p in parts[1:]: if path in self.fs.dircache and not [ True for f in self.fs.dircache[path] if f["name"] == path + "/" + p ]: self.fs.invalidate_cache(path) path = path + "/" + p
[docs] def discard(self): self._abort_mpu() self.buffer = None # file becomes unusable
def _abort_mpu(self): if self.mpu: self._call_s3( "abort_multipart_upload", Bucket=self.bucket, Key=self.key, UploadId=self.mpu["UploadId"], ) self.mpu = None
class S3AsyncStreamedFile(AbstractAsyncStreamedFile): def __init__(self, fs, path, mode): self.fs = fs self.path = path self.mode = mode self.r = None self.loc = 0 self.size = None async def read(self, length=-1): if self.r is None: bucket, key, gen = self.fs.split_path(self.path) r = await self.fs._call_s3("get_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key) self.size = int(r["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPHeaders"]["content-length"]) self.r = r["Body"] out = await self.loc += len(out) return out def _fetch_range(fs, bucket, key, version_id, start, end, req_kw=None): if req_kw is None: req_kw = {} if start == end: logger.debug( "skip fetch for negative range - bucket=%s,key=%s,start=%d,end=%d", bucket, key, start, end, ) return b"" logger.debug("Fetch: %s/%s, %s-%s", bucket, key, start, end) return sync(fs.loop, _inner_fetch, fs, bucket, key, version_id, start, end, req_kw) async def _inner_fetch(fs, bucket, key, version_id, start, end, req_kw=None): async def _call_and_read(): resp = await fs._call_s3( "get_object", Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Range="bytes=%i-%i" % (start, end - 1), **version_id_kw(version_id), **req_kw, ) try: return await resp["Body"].read() finally: resp["Body"].close() return await _error_wrapper(_call_and_read, retries=fs.retries)